Saturday, January 22, 2005


Google search limit raised to 32 words

Google appears to have silently raised the number of words it permits in its search query from 10 to 32 words.

This is great news - whilst the casual user wont notice the difference, the power searcher was often hitting this limit. Now it's possible to do much more targeted searches, using the - operator much more to exclude words you know are of no interest. There's a whole bunch of other applications that benefit from raising the limit, and plenty of partial workarounds that are now redundant - a Google search shows many of them.

The support for the new limit is somewhat patchy :-
The only other mention I've seen of this new limit is at ResearchBuzz - there is no mention of it yet on the Google site.

Don't see how I can trackback ping you, so thanks here for getting the word out.
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